
ncl: Coal India subsidiary NCL to start M-Sand production - The Economic Times

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Wadia Group-owned airline Go First has sought approval to restart flights with 22 planes for the next five months. The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) had asked for a resumption plan last week after meeting the Go First management. Coal Crusher Plants

ncl: Coal India subsidiary NCL to start M-Sand production - The Economic Times

Differences have emerged between the Tata Group and the founders of CaratLane over the valuation of the residual stake held by the founders, leading to a months-long deadlock, said people aware of the matter. India’s largest omni-channel jewellery brand is majority owned by Tata Group company Titan.

Baring PE Asia EQT, Blackstone, Bain Capital, Advent International and TPG Capital have submitted non-binding bids to acquire a majority stake in India’s largest fertility clinic chain, Indira IVF, said people with knowledge of the matter. The deal is expected to value the chain at ₹8,000-10,000 crore ($1-1.2 billion).

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ncl: Coal India subsidiary NCL to start M-Sand production - The Economic Times

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