The internet is freaking out over the idea of installing PVC on the outside of your walls. The idea came about after blogger Shelly Dutton used PVC pipe as curtain rods!
“I didn’t want to spend a fortune on these walls, and I wanted the drapes to completely cover the space between the windows, so I knew I could get away with the 45 angle PVC couplers and the super cheap curtain rod brackets (you can buy them in unfinished pairs at Lowes for a couple bucks each set).” Anti-Insect Pvc Strip Curtain

She writes that the entire setup for three windows, including the PVC pipes, brackets, spray paint, and finials only cost about twenty bucks. She adds, “five dollars of that was for the spray paint” itself!
Read more about this do it yourself hack and how to do it correctly, click here.
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