The Simple Secret to Making Button Mushrooms Intensely Delicious
The Simple Secret to Making Button Mushrooms Intensely Delicious Push Button With Light

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WHATEVER HAPPENED to the simple button mushroom? It used to show up in cookbooks as part of showstopping dishes such as Beef Wellington, the crown jewel of 1960s dinner parties. Or more simply, but no less special, sautéed and spooned over a rare T-bone steak—my mother’s go-to dish for fancy entertaining in Chapel Hill, N.C., where I grew up.
In the 1980s, French nouvelle cuisine reigned, and chefs started paying attention to more exotic mushrooms—the button’s sexier wild cousins. Chanterelles, morels and dried porcini were revered, while the button mushroom faded from cookbook pages and restaurant menus. It made only rare appearances, invariably raw—which guarantees blandness—on a crudité platter, or sliced into a spinach salad with hot bacon dressing.
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