Your next bottle of Sprite soda might look a little different. The company announced they're pulling the recognizable green bottles that have been on the shelves for 61 years. While the upcoming change won't be too drastic in appearance, the reason for the rebranding is for a good cause, according to its parent company Coca-Cola.
Fox reports that Sprite will be pulling the old school green for a simple clear bottles starting August 1. The reason? According to Adweek, any bottles using additives make the bottles more difficult to repurpose, so fewer facilities are willing to process it. So, clear is better than green for the environment. But if you're worried about losing all the bright colors, Today reports that Sprite will still use green for their bottle caps. Easy Open Ring Cap

Some environmental groups say that color isn't the issue though, and that this change does too little. It''s single-use bottles such as these that are the overall problem, according to these environmentalists.
Sprite has already used some form of clear bottles before certain flavors of their sodas, so some might not even notice the difference.
This might be yet another sign of the Idiocracy-like times that we live in. Remember when Mountain Dew and Cheetos joined forces last year? The company that once brought you Doritos in soda form is back with something even more over-the-top and obnoxious. Behold, Flamin' Hot Mountain Dew.
Yeah, it's Flamin Hot Cheetos Mountain Dew. You had the flavor of the famous citrus soda combined with the ultra spicy version of one of America's favorite corn puff snacks all in one sip.
Mountain Dew has long been known for its experimental combination of flavors and marketing. As of 2019, some of their available flavors include; Mountain Dew Ice, Sweet Lightning, Mango Lime, White Out, Code Red, Pitch Black and others. There's also of course Baja Blast, which is available often in limited times at select stores.

Printed Ropp Caps Mountain Dew has certainly been creatively branching out over the past several years with their ever-expanding product. In October 2020, they announced their very own citrus soda flavored hot sauce, that they were developing with N.B.A. star Joel Embid. They also teamed up with seafood chain giant Red Lobster to release their very own margarita.