
Balcony solar panels — one-year results | by Dmitrii Eliuseev | Geek Culture | Medium

Using renewable energy is a popular trend in the 21st century. But how it really works? The best way to get an answer is to build such a system and to test it on their own. I bought two 160 Watt panels and installed them on my balcony. Results and details you will see in this article.

Before we begin, an important note: I live in Europe, in the Netherlands. In other countries and continents, energy export laws (and also a city grid voltage) can vary. This article is presented for information purposes only. I would appreciate it if somebody will repeat similar… Ground Mounted Pv Systems

Balcony solar panels — one-year results | by Dmitrii Eliuseev | Geek Culture | Medium
Balcony solar panels — one-year results | by Dmitrii Eliuseev | Geek Culture | Medium

Inverter Limiter Python/IoT developer and data engineer, data science and electronics enthusiast