Southwest Airlines employees in California went the extra mile to make sure one little boy's prized possession got the VIP treatment.
Glo Jones, who has been checking bags at California's Burbank airport for two decades, said she had never seen something like this toy — a dinosaur the size of a small child. Transformers Netflix Figures

Rowan Francois, 8, got the toy while on vacation with no thought of how to get him home.
"It's almost as big as me," he said. "I thought it was going to break the whole time."
But Southwest Airlines baggage handler Bryant Cisneraos and his co-workers were determined to keep the toy from breaking.
"It wasn't in the box, so our concern was taking care of it," he said. "We gave it a specific cart by itself, took it to the gate, and when we loaded the dinosaur in the bin, we put it in the center bin, which is by himself."
It made it to its new home in Spokane, Washington, in one piece.
Kris Van Cleave is CBS News' senior transportation and national correspondent based in Phoenix.
First published on October 18, 2022 / 7:11 PM
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